
"Shounen no Mori" 少年の森

Symbol Tree Jpn 'Zelkova'
Athletic fields and activities
It has about 20 outdoor athletic facilities in
the playground for children without a fee.
It's called "Syounen no Mori" that means
'Boy's Forest' where is located at north-west
of Fujisawa City in Kanagawa Prefecture.
website but only Japanese. It's open from
9:00am to 4:30pm; closed Monday.

Buses run to 'Gosyomi tyugakkou-mae"
from some train stations ''Syounanndai',
Athletic Facilities
'Tyougo' and 'Ebina'. "Syounen no Mori"
is about 800m south of  the bus stop 'Gosyo-
mi tyugakkou-mae". Bike is perfectly feasible.
It has the advantage of getting directly there.
Otherwise, put your bike on the train before
you start pedalling. You are required to use
a bike carrying bag. Many people drive a car.
Free parking lots available for about 50 cars.

What to bring
Some people prepare a tent for sun blind along
the small artificial pond so that they can look
thier children playing in the water. Spare
clothes, sandals and the lunch box are
required for children. There are no shops
except soft drink vending machines. Do not
forget water bottles your favorite.

Playing at 'Boy's Forest'
I left home late at 10am to avoid free parking
spaces crowded. I thought parking is the most
crowded around 10am. I bet a few people leave
before noon. Then I can park my car easily.

We got "Shounen no Mori" at 11am.
A couple of cars couldn't park in a proper
Bring Water Bottles
parking section. That means overflowing
with cars.... As expected, luckily, there were
two parking spaces vacant.

My children took about a hour to do all 20
outdoor athletic facilities. They enjoyed two

times. Then, we really enjoyed the botanical
observation. After that, we had lunch I had prepared.

Actually, preparing lunch boxes hung up
leaving home. Before leaving "Shounen no
Mori", we enjoyed playing baseball and soccer
in the playground next to Zelkova tree.

Dawn Redwoods (Metasequoia)
False Strawberry

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